The Results of Fast Metabolism Diet | Metabo

The Results of Fast Metabolism Diet

metabolism dietThe Fast Metabolism Diet isn’t for everyone and at times it can definitely be tough to stick to it, but the Fast Metabolism Diet results will go way beyond simply losing weight. You’ll learn how to be more conscious of what you eat, you’ll become a better cook, and your relationship with food will permanently change. So, what do you need to know before you dive right in and give this diet a shot?

How to Follow this Kind of Diet

First things first, without the following list of equipment and supplies, following this diet will be very difficult, so, to prevent diet sabotage, you’ll need to shop around for the following supplies before you get started:

Of course, one of the most important items is the Fast Metabolism Diet book. Next, you’ll need to shop at a grocery store that offers plenty of organic options. Buy a lot of freezer safe Tupperware for meal prepping.

You’ll also need citrus squeezers, a crockpot, blender, large skillet, food processor, and reusable water bottle.

You can’t have salt on this diet, so stock up on pepper, basil, cinnamon, coconut oil or olive oil, dry mustard, oregano, onion powder, garlic, dill, and curry. Plan on shopping for fresh produce and protein sources once a week. If you purchase more than a week’s supply of produce you’ll quickly learn that organic produce tends to ripen much quicker than their non-organic counterparts.

With all of these supplies on hand, you’ll now be prepared to cook and plan a number of the fast metabolism recipes in the book.

Weight Loss on this Diet

fast metabolism-2The weight loss results on this diet are nothing short of impressive. The amount of weight loss will vary from person to person. One person may lose five pounds the first week, while another person may only lose one or two pounds. On average, many people reported losing up to four or five pounds a week.

So, what are the downsides to this diet? I hope you like washing dishes.  Since you’ll be cooking with fresh, whole ingredients daily, you can expect a huge increase in kitchen duty. You’ll also need to spend more time at your grocery store than you’d like and organic and whole foods are not cheap. During the meat and veggie phase, you’ll probably get really tired of your meal plans really quick. Because this diet doesn’t allow caffeine, you can expect to go through caffeine withdrawal the first week.

Who is this diet perfect for? People who hate working out more than a couple of times a week can still thrive and see impressive weight loss results by at least doing two or three low impact activities. One woman reported that she simply walked for an hour three days a week and still lost twelve pounds in two weeks.

This diet will teach you how to properly fuel your body, but you’ll also learn how to incorporate your favorite foods into your meal plans, once the diet is complete. For you to see the fast metabolism diet results, moderation is the key and this diet does a great job of not only helping you to shed weight rapidly but of also teaching you how to eat healthy for the long run.

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Note: This content has been updated. Oct 18,2018

The Secrets for a Faster Metabolism - October 19, 2018

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