High Metabolism Diet in a Nutshell | Metabo Press.com

High Metabolism Diet in a Nutshell

metabolism dietThe High Metabolism Diet allows you to eat more in order to lose weight. Many people who have followed this diet have reported a weight loss of twenty pounds in the first month. As much as eating more to weigh less seems contradictory to everything you know about losing weight and dieting, the author provides substantial science based facts to back up these claims.

How this Fast Metabolism Diet is a Total Game Changer

This diet was developed by a diet consultant turned best-selling author named Hayley Pomroy. This diet is all about changing the way you think of food and learning more about its healing properties.

This diet suggests that after years of unsuccessful dieting, a person’s metabolism can be changed by consuming the right foods at the right time. The diet works on the angle that consuming more good foods at certain times of the day can work as a powerful weight loss strategy.

And the best part? This is a safe, healthy diet that the whole family can follow.

This diet will have you include foods in your meal plan that will work together to boost your metabolism. The healing properties found in certain food combination can help to stabilize a person’s ideal body weight.

This Program Consists of Three Phases:

faster metabolismThe first phase applies to Mondays and Tuesdays and focuses on consuming carbs. The idea behind eating carbs on these days is that it helps the body to relax from a state of stress.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, your body will be ready to hit the fat burning mode by unlocking stored fats and putting them to work. Eating on these days focuses on veggies and protein. On both of these days, your body will burn the food you consume for energy, in addition to using up the body’s stored fat.

The third phase takes place on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. On these days, you’ll be able to consume most of the foods listed earlier in the week, in addition to healthy oils and fats. During this time, the metabolism will speed up and the list of foods you’re allowed to eat expands.

Why We Love the Fast Metabolism Diet

During the High Metabolism Diet, you’re allowed to eat as much as you want, which means you’ll never go hungry. If you stick to eating only the foods listed for each day and phase you’re currently on, then you’ll be free to eat as much as you want. If you follow this three-phase eating plan closely, it will lead to dramatic weight loss. And surprisingly, for most people, the claim that you can lose twenty pounds in one month will finally become a reality. This diet claims it can cut down on insulin production, which will definitely lead to weight loss. Keep in mind, if you have a lot of weight to lose, you’ll need to repeat each phase of the diet for longer than four weeks. While this type of restrictive diet can be very limiting to some people, the fast metabolism diet results are worth it.

Metabolic Cooking Program Review.... - March 29, 2017

[…] foods at certain times of the day in specific combinations, you’ll be able to force the body to boost your metabolism and shed excess fat without putting in any extra […]

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